21 Rare Doodle Dog Breeds [Every Pet Parent] Will Love

We all know about the classic doodles like Labradoodles and Goldendoodles—but did you know there are some seriously rare (and adorable) doodle breeds out there?

From unexpected mixes to charming personalities, these unusual doodle breeds are guaranteed to make your heart melt and have you thinking, “Where have you been all my life?”

Check out these lesser-known doodle dog breeds below, you might just discover your new favorite!

21. Canoodle

fitchef4u 297110531 1417029495483254 725492879464638634 n
Image credit: fitchef4u
Parent BreedsCane Corso x Poodle
SizeLarge; 80–100+ pounds
CoatCurly; may shed
ColorSolid colors: brown, black, gray, or red
TemperamentLoyal, protective, requires experienced handling

The Canoodle combines the strength of the Cane Corso with the intelligence of the Poodle. Due to the size and temperament differences between the parent breeds, Canoodles are rare and often result from accidental breeding. They need consistent training and socialization.

20. Dalmadoodle

mazzi.joie 321319437 859960825272126 4553902799757198043 n
Image credit: mazzi.joie
Parent BreedsDalmatian x Poodle
SizeMedium to large; 40–70 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; may have Dalmatian spots
ColorBlack and white, sometimes with spots
TemperamentEnergetic, intelligent, requires regular exercise

The Dalmadoodle is a mix of a Dalmatian and a Poodle. They often have the distinctive spots of a Dalmatian combined with the curly coat of a Poodle. These dogs are active and intelligent, needing plenty of physical and mental stimulation.

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19. French Bulldoodle

tobiessmalldogrescue 440377015 18232429297284221 7333196237162132034 n
Image credit: tobiessmalldogrescue
Parent BreedsFrench Bulldog x Poodle Terrier
SizeSmall; up to 20 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorFawn, black, white, gray, silver, or blue
TemperamentPlayful, affectionate, adaptable to various living situations

The French Bulldoodle combines the charm of the French Bulldog with the intelligence of the Poodle. They are small, making them suitable for apartment living. These dogs are friendly and enjoy companionship but can develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.

18. Doxiepoo

thespicypupper 237045870 371696611221257 1446845018096687821 n
Image credit: thespicypupper
Parent BreedsDachshund x Poodle
SizeSmall; 10–30 pounds
CoatVaries; can be straight, wavy, or curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including black, brown, cream, and combinations
TemperamentPlayful, affectionate, may have a stubborn streak

The Doxiepoo is a cross between a Dachshund and a Poodle. They are playful and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with their owners. Due to their Dachshund heritage, they may exhibit a stubborn streak, so consistent training is important.

17. Flandoodle

desertdoodlestella 60170114 137954647320431 5625423639318425630 n
Image credit: desertdoodlestella
Parent BreedsBouvier des Flandres x Poodle
SizeMedium to large; 50–60 pounds
CoatCurly; low shedding
ColorTypically darker shades
TemperamentLoyal, intelligent, good family dogs

The Flandoodle combines the Bouvier des Flandres with the Poodle. They are known for their loyalty and intelligence, making them excellent family companions. Their low-shedding coats require regular grooming to maintain.

16. Eskipoo

goodboy.cheddar 367397512 1221314998557635 1745697207128445294 n
Image credit: goodboy.cheddar
Parent BreedsAmerican Eskimo Dog x Poodle
SizeSmall to medium; up to 20 pounds
CoatFluffy and curly; low shedding
ColorOften white, but can vary
TemperamentFriendly, social, good with children and other pets

The Eskipoo is a mix between an American Eskimo Dog and a Poodle. They are friendly and social, making them great companions for families with children or other pets. Regular grooming is necessary to keep their fluffy coats in good condition.

15. Schnoodle

perdi and tilly 449423312 823000099780556 8183186610000558087 n
Image credit: perdi_and_tilly_
Parent BreedsSchnauzer x Poodle
SizeVaries; 10–70 pounds depending on parent breeds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including black, white, brown, gray
TemperamentIntelligent, friendly, good watchdogs

The Schnoodle is a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. They are intelligent and friendly, often making excellent watchdogs. Their size can vary greatly depending on whether the Schnauzer parent was miniature, standard, or giant.

14. Cavoodle

mrlittle.alfie 461598337 885671476382013 8655967240462491231 n
Image credit: mrlittle.alfie
Parent BreedsCavalier King Charles Spaniel x Poodle
SizeSmall; 10–25 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including tan, brown, red, cream, gray
TemperamentAffectionate, good with children, suitable for apartment living

The Cavoodle, also known as Cavapoo, is a mix between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle. They are affectionate and adapt well to apartment living. Their friendly nature makes them excellent companions for families with children.

13. Aussiedoodle

mini aussiedoodle lovers 400049313 290764923946366 4716798563899612730 n
Image credit: harlow.theaussiedood
Parent BreedsAustralian Shepherd x Poodle
SizeMedium; 25–70 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVariety, including merle, black, blue, red, and combinations
TemperamentIntelligent, energetic, requires mental and physical stimulation

The Aussiedoodle is a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle. Known for their intelligence and energy, they excel in agility and obedience training. Their coats can come in various colors, often reflecting the merle pattern of the Australian Shepherd parent. 

12. Bernedoodle

gnocchi the bernedoodle 450821041 17918475578946102 2820949919516501989 n
Image credit: gnocchi_the_bernedoodle
Parent BreedsBernese Mountain Dog x Poodle
SizeVaries; 10–100 pounds depending on parent breeds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorOften tri-color: black, white, and brown
TemperamentGentle, affectionate, good with families

The Bernedoodle combines the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle. They are gentle and affectionate, making them excellent family pets. Their tri-color coats are particularly striking, often featuring black, white, and brown.

11. Sheepadoodle

bayley.sheepadoodle 468996626 585360773891054 7863722059954112966 n 2
Image credit: bayley.sheepadoodle
Parent BreedsOld English Sheepdog x Poodle
SizeLarge; 60–80 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorBlack and white, sometimes gray
TemperamentFriendly, intelligent, good with children

The Sheepadoodle is a mix between an Old English Sheepdog and a Poodle. They are friendly and intelligent, often getting along well with children. Their black and white coats are fluffy and require regular grooming to prevent matting.

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10. Irish Doodle

lunatheirishdoodle 308921197 190581573438506 1302194213447831306 n
Image credit: lunatheirishdoodle
Parent BreedsIrish Setter x Poodle
SizeMedium to large; 40–70 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorOften red or chestnut
TemperamentEnergetic, intelligent, affectionate

The Irish Doodle is a hybrid breed, a mix of an Irish Setter and a Poodle. They are known for their captivating red, low-shedding coats, and intelligent, energetic, and affectionate nature. They typically stand 22–28 inches tall and weigh 40–70 pounds, with a lifespan of 10–13 years. 

9. Papipoo 

matilda.hazel 293836121 618279672794680 7470121881743624598 n
Image credit: matilda.hazel
Parent BreedsPapillon x Poodle
SizeSmall; 6–14 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including white, black, brown, and combinations
TemperamentIntelligent, lively, affectionate

The Papipoo is a charming designer dog that mixes the vivacious Poodle with the devoted Papillon, creating a combo that’s as adorable as it is dynamic. They are intelligent and lively, making them delightful companions.

8. Jackapoo

bennett.the .jackapoo 323903867 218623057177628 2381007052018430885 n
Image credit: bennett.the.jackapoo
Parent BreedsJack Russell Terrier x Poodle
SizeSmall; 13–25 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including black, white, brown, and combinations
TemperamentEnergetic, intelligent, requires regular exercise

The Jackapoo is a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Poodle. They bring a bundle of energy and an infectious personality to any family dynamic. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential to keep them happy and healthy. 

7. Foxypoo 

kitthefoxypoo 403992226 1150300149287572 8917373379527797147 n
Image credit: kitthefoxypoo
Parent BreedsWire Fox Terrier x Poodle
SizeSmall to medium; 15–40 pounds
CoatWiry and curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, often white with black or brown markings
TemperamentEnergetic, intelligent, may have a strong prey drive

The Wire-Poo is a hybrid breed that results from the crossbreeding of a Wire Fox Terrier and a Poodle. They are energetic and intelligent, requiring regular exercise and mental stimulation. Early socialization is important to manage their prey drive, especially in households with other pets. 

6. Australian Mountain Doodle 

misslylapotter 441466962 1084952825920233 852510895803400677 n
Image credit: misslylapotter
Parent BreedsAustralian Shepherd x Bernese Mountain Dog x Poodle
SizeMedium to large; 30–60 pounds
CoatWavy; low shedding
ColorVariety, including merle, black, blue, red, and combinations
TemperamentIntelligent, energetic, requires mental and physical stimulation

The Australian Mountain Doodle, also known as an Aussie Mountain Doodle, is a rare and unique Doodle breed. This dog is a cross between a Bernedoodle and an Aussiedoodle. As a result, this dog is incredibly intelligent with its DNA being part Bernese Mountain Dog, Australian Shepherd, and Poodle. 

5. Boxerdoodle 

chartheboxerdoodle 170844823 119578653556094 5479520991154274923 n
Image credit: chartheboxerdoodle
Parent BreedsBoxer x Poodle
SizeMedium to large; 40–70 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including fawn, brindle, black, and combinations
TemperamentEnergetic, intelligent, loyal

The Boxerdoodle is a cross between a Boxer and a Poodle. They are energetic and intelligent, making them excellent companions for active families. Their coats can vary in color and texture, often requiring regular grooming to maintain.

4. Newfypoo 

milo the newfypoo 62251630 885627435140973 5566854147853925135 n
Image credit: milo_the_newfypoo
Parent BreedsNewfoundland x Poodle
SizeLarge; 70–150 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorBlack, brown, gray, or Landseer (white with black markings)
TemperamentGentle, friendly, good with children

The Newfypoo combines the gentle nature of Newfoundland with the intelligence of the Poodle. They are large dogs, often weighing between 70 to 150 pounds, and are known for their friendly disposition, making them excellent family pets.

3. Pyredoodle 

ledger pyredoodle 465047996 566206239231592 7380289017579826549 n
Image credit: ledger_pyredoodle
Parent BreedsGreat Pyrenees x Poodle
SizeLarge; 85–100 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorWhite, cream, gray, or apricot
TemperamentProtective, intelligent, calm

The Pyredoodle is a mix between a Great Pyrenees and a Poodle. They are known for their protective nature and calm demeanor, making them suitable for families seeking a watchdog. Their coats are typically low-shedding but require regular grooming.

2. Bordoodle 

lillythebordoodle 469948561 1713258355903493 1361440137615289389 n
Image credit: lillythebordoodle
Parent BreedsBorder Collie x Poodle
SizeMedium; 30–60 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorBlack and white, merle, or tricolor
TemperamentHighly intelligent, energetic, requires mental stimulation

The Bordoodle combines the intelligence of the Border Collie with the Poodle’s hypoallergenic coat. They are highly trainable and excel in agility and obedience competitions. Due to their high energy levels, they require ample exercise and mental stimulation.

1. Saint Berdoodle

stberdood 341356468 1583939725448220 1913659101018699349 n
Image credit: stberdood
Parent BreedsSaint Bernard x Poodle
SizeLarge to giant; 110–200 pounds
CoatWavy to curly; low shedding
ColorVarious, including white with brown, black, or red markings
TemperamentFriendly, gentle, good with families

The Saint Berdoodle is a cross between a Saint Bernard and a Poodle. They are among the largest Doodle breeds, often weighing between 110 to 200 pounds. Despite their size, they are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them excellent companions for families with children.

Wrapping Up

These unique Doodle breeds offer a variety of sizes, temperaments, and coat types, catering to different lifestyles and preferences. When considering adding one of these dogs to your family, it’s essential to research and understand their specific needs to ensure a happy and healthy companionship.